Rising from the Ashes of Grief: All in Emery's Memory and For You

-023- Join me as I interview Jenna Smith, the mother of Angel Emery, about her journey through diagnosis, battling cancer, parenting, and community. She discusses the ups and downs of treatment. Jenna gets into the difficulties she had to overcome to speak up and question the oncologists. She became her very young child's voice. Jenna discusses the challenges behinds scanxiety and the gut-wrenching feelings waiting for results. Most importantly, she discusses the mission of the Emery's Memory Foundation. The mission centers on helping other pediatric oncology patients and families.



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamemery14/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamemeryforever/

Web Page: https://www.emerysmemoryfoundation.com/


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Loss, Strength, Community and Advocacy: One Mom’s Story